The mission of this Association is to encourage organized rifle and pistol competition among residents in our community, with a view toward better knowledge regarding the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. It shall be our further objective and purpose to develop of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self discipline, team play and self reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.
Lake Island has a 25 yard indoor rifle and pistol range. Only non-magnum rounds may be fired from a pistol. The only rifles allowed are air-rifle and .22 caliber rimfire. We can accommodate 10 pistol shooters or 10 rifle shooters in the standing position. The range can accommodate 8 rifle shooters in the prone or kneeling position. We have no facilities for shotgun or black powder. Hours of operation are 8am to 10pm. We reserve the last half hour (9:30pm to 10pm) for .22 caliber only.
Membership is open to any legal resident of the United States, 18 years of age or older. You must possess a Firearm ID card from your state of residence and be a member of the National Rifle Association. NRA membership can be purchased through the Club at a discount. Once application has been made, a prospective member will be assigned a sponsor who will acquaint the applicant with the rules of the club, ensure the applicant handles his/her firearm in a safe manner and assist the applicant in developing their marksmanship skills such that they can place 20 consecutive rounds on a 2 ft. X 2 ft. target at 25 yards.
The non-refundable application fee is $100. Dues are $60 per year and are due every January 1st . Applicants who are accepted for membership during the calendar year will pay a pro-rated fee for the remainder of that year. The Club expects every member to donate 20 hours of work annually to the upkeep of the building through work parties, by taking part in officiating at matches or through performing other tasks for which the member may be uniquely suited. We feel that everyone has the capacity to contribute to the organization in some way. Unfulfilled work hours will be billed at $7.20 per hour with the following year's dues. All new members will also be required to pay a $10 key deposit which is refundable when terminating a fully paid-up membership.
You can fill out the attached Membership Application on-line and print it out. Submit the application in person at the next monthly meeting (consult the calendar). Be sure to arrive at 6:30 (1/2 hour before the start of the meeting) and ask for Rich Tullo. At the meeting you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself, see our facilities and be entered into our membership program.