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Lake Island Rifle & Pistol Club
2700 Match

"2700" Match

The Lake Island 2700 Match is similar to the "900" Centerfire Match where all shooters are welcome, Lake Island members as are members of other NJ shooting clubs.

You will shoot three 900 matches with 90 rounds per match; generally, each 900 match will be shot with a different caliber. The first match will be fired with .22s, the second with any center fire caliber (including .45) and the last match will be shot with a .45. New NRA rules now make it permissible for a shooter to shoot .22 for all 3 matches.

Each 900 match is structured like this:
  • 20 rounds Slow Fire   ( 10 shots in 10 minutes ) with a .22 caliber pistol
  • 30 rounds of National match Course ( 10 rounds each in Slow Fire, Timed Fire & Rapid Fire )
  • 20 rounds Timed Fire ( 5 shots in 20 seconds ) with a Center Fire pistol
  • 20 rounds Rapid  Fire ( 5 shots in 10 seconds ) with a .45 caliber pistol

The 2700 Match consists of shooting 270 rounds (three 900 matches):
  • 90 rounds with a .22 caliber pistol
  • 90 rounds with a Center Fire pistol
  • 90 rounds with a .45 caliber pistol

We also welcome .22 shooters if you are not experienced with a center fire pistol.

For those who are unfamiliar with how bullseye matches work and would like to learn, come join us to shoot or just watch. You will need 270 rounds for the course of fire. Of course, it also helps to have a few extra rounds for alibis.

900 Match Score Card

This is a friendly low key match, as long as you handle your firearm safely, there is really nothing you can do wrong. This is a fun bullseye competition and a great way to compete against shooter in all experience levels. You will have fun as well as improve your own shooting.

As an added bonus, Lake Island runs an additional Rapid Fire Match of the .22 leg of the 2700. This LI Rapid Fire Match does not affect the overall score of the 2700 aggregate, but the winner of this match will have a choice of receiving a LI hat, LI crying towel or LI T-shirt. The match consists of 20 rounds and goes like this:

Shoot 5 rounds in 10 seconds, shoot another 5 rounds in 8 seconds, go downrange, score and hang new targets.
Shoot 5 rounds in 6 seconds, shoot another 5 rounds in 4 seconds, go downrange and score.

You might think that only the absolute best shooters will win this, but such is not the case. Sometimes, it is just the folks with the best time management of those 6 and 4 second strings that will win the match.

Lake Island is always looking for people to "call the line", that is, to call the range commands while everyone else is shooting and otherwise help with running the match. For those of you who are not afraid of a microphone, this would be a great way of taking care of some of your work hours. Other volunteer positions are needed to run this match. It's really very easy and we can provide a script to start you off. If you are interested, please contact Robin to arrange for some training.

Contact: Robin Fox (732) 396-3395
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